Tasting “fideuá” in Universitas
“Fideuá” is one of the most typical Mediterranean dishes and a lot of different recipes are cooked from the original. We want to propose the gastronomic experience of tasting three delicious variants of the traditional recipe of our Valencian neighbors.
We will offer black fideuá, mushrooms fideuá and vegetables fideuá, so you can choose wich one is the best for you.
We invite you to share your photos in our social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, with the hashtag #restaurantesuniversitas. Soon we’ll offer promotions and your photos may be awarded.
We have selected two different dates for you to enjoy our proposal in our different restaurants. On October 28th at lunchtime (from 1 am to 4 pm), we’ll offer it in the restaurant cafe of the Official School of Drassanes Idiomes, the one in Elisava, the one in the UB Faculty of Geography, the one in the ETSAV and also in Fifteen Raval. In the rest of our restaurants will take place on October 30th. You can consult the full list of our restaurants in our website.