June special salads

June special salads

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When the heat appears, we love lighter foods and if they are healthy, better. So for June we will have four delicious salads in Universitas cafes and restaurants that, as usual, will have very nice prices.

We invite you to share your images and opinions in social networks in order to help us improve. We offer you free wifi in our restaurants. Remember that we are present on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and if you share your photos and comments with the hashtag #restaurantesuniversitas can participate in our promotions.

Here are the ingredients of the special salads of June we detail:


Mesclun, diced hot dogs, fried diced bacon, diced apple, cherry tomatoes and black olives linked with mustard mayonnaise.


Mesclun, diced tomatoes, diced bread, baked chicken strips, diced bacon and Caesar sauce.


Rice, zucchini, red pepper, tomato, shallots, garlic, mozzarella, leaflets basil, salt and pepper.


Mesclun, tomato, green olives, boiled egg, sliced cucumber, grated carrot, corn, tuna and white asparagus.

You can enjoy these salads at all our restaurants except the one in the UB Faculty of Nursing, Escape and Fifteen Raval.


Photo: Pen Waggener
Tags: salad

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